Friday 25 August 2017

Free Download MP3 Player APK for Android

Download MP3 Player APK for Android

Here free download the latest and updated version MP3 Player APK version 1.1.0 is the most powerful and smart music player available for your android mobile phones and tablets. MP3 Player APK 1.1.0 provides simple and easy way to play your favorite songs and can also manage your music files. By using this music player you will be able to find your favorite songs and all the music from your memory card or phone memory. MP3 Player APK 1.1.0 supports multiple song formats including MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG, WAV,MTM, UMX, MO3, MP4, M4A, AIFF, MIDI, AAC, AAC , 3GP, XM, IT, S3M, MOD and OTA. You can play all these format of songs in this player without any trouble. By using this player you can browse and play your favorite songs, music’s, albums, artists and can make your favorite song list. MP3 PlayerAPK is free available on our website server, you can download its free apk file from the direct download links given below at the bottom of this post. MP3 Player APK is also available on Google Play Store, Just download the free version of MP3 Player APK on your android device and enjoy to play with your favorite songs. We have provided download link at the bottom of this post. Just download free version of MP3 Player apk on your smart android device and enjoy.

·         Most powerful and smart music player for android.
·         Provides simple and easy way to play your favorite songs.
·         Can manage music files and folders.
·         You will be able to find your favorite songs and all the music from your memory card or phone memory.
·         Can browse and play your favorite songs, music’s, albums, artists and can make your favorite song list.
·         Supports multiple formats like MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG, WAV,MTM, UMX, MO3, MP4, M4A, AIFF, MIDI, AAC, AAC , 3GP, XM, IT, S3M, MOD and OTA.
·         Lovely features like, Headset / Bluetooth Controls.
·         Can cut your favorite song in an easy way 

Version: 1.1.0
Updated: August 26, 2017
Requires Android: 4.0 And UP

Ilyas Khan

Hi Aliyan Khan Here author of the Site you can send your quiries to me by contact us form.


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